Dan pred turnirjem IMP Pumps International 25-27.junij 2016 Arboretum sem pričel s treniranjem mladega prespektivnega slovenskega upa v golfu, starega 13 let, Kristjana Burkelce. Mladenič je pri 13. letih že več kot 11 let v golfu in je na evropski lestvici U14 pozicioniran okoli 10. mesta. HCP 2
Just before a tournament IMP Pumps International 25th-27th of June Arboretum I started coaching young prodigy and Slovenian hope of golf, 13 years old Kristjan Burkelca. At the age of 13 he has more than 11 years od playing this game and on European Golf Ranking U14 placed around 10th place.
Nekaj njegovih izjemnih dosežkov:
Some of his amazing achivements
- Pri 4 letih je uradno opravil dovoljenje za igro na igrišču.
At the age of 4 he officially passed the exam on the course – permition to play - »hole in one« ima že na treh turnirjih (2x US Kids Championship Scotland, 1x Bambi cup Slovenia)
He made 3 tournament »hole in ones« (2x US Kids Championship Scotland, 1x Bambi cup Slovenia) - Uvrstitev na WAGR (svetovna amaterska golf lestvica) pri 11. letih. Pri teh letih to še nikomur ni uspelo. Zmaga na Arboretum Open 6-8 Septembra 2014 WAGR in še ena zmaga pri 12-ih letih Slo Junior Tour WAGR Golf igrišče Otočec 5-7 Avgust 2015.
Positioned on WAGR (world amateur golf ranking) at age 11. Youngest player ever who reached WAGR ranking. Winner at Arboretum Open 6th-8th September 2014 WAGR and another win at age 12 Slo Junior Tour WAGR Golf Course Otocec 5th-7th August 2015. - 7 x državni prvak v svoji kategoriji
7 times National Champion U14 - 7 x pokalni prvak v svoji kategoriji
7 times National CUP Champion U14 - Več uvrstitev med 3 najboljše na mednarodnih turnirjih (Madžarska, Hrvaška, Belgija, Švica, Italija, Škotska,..)
Many top 3 places on International Championships (Hungary, Croatia, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Scotland,..) - Rekord igrišča Trnovo iz belih udarjališč 9 lukenj z rezultatom 28 (-6)
Golf Trnovo 9 holes course record played from back tees 28 (-6)
25.-27.junij 2016
IMP Pumps international Junior Championship WAGR
Na turnirju v kategoriji U14 je zmagal, med vsemi udeleženci in kategorijami U16,U18,U21 pa je zasedel 9. mesto. Prvi dan turnirja je z rezultatom 68 (-3) celo vodil in to je bil tudi njegov osebni turnirski rekord igrišča Arboretum.
U14 winner. All kategories players U16, U18, U21 he finished 9th. First day of the tournament he led with a score 68 (-3) which is also his personal Arboretum golf course record.
7.-9.julij 2016
Belgian International Championship U14 Boys&Girls WAGR
Zasedel je 12 mesto z odlično zadnjo rundo 75 (+2).
Finished 12th with good last round 75 (+2).
21.-23.julij 2016
European Young Masters U16
Konkurenca je bila zelo močna saj je bilo za mladince do 16 let in igrišče zahtevno. Prvi dan turnirja je pričel slabo, je pa zelo dobro zaključil z zadnjim dnem z rezultatom 76 (+4).
The competition was strong because it was a U16 Championship and the course was quite challanging. He had a first day bad start but good finish with last round 76 (+4).
16.-18.avgust 2016
V nekaj tedenskem premoru igranja turnirjev sva se posvetila swingu in ta turnir je prvi z večjimi spremembami v swingu in nekaj mentalnih sprememb. U14 zmaga!! Skupno v vseh kategorijah 5 mesto. Prvih 9 lukenj turnirja +6, naslednjih 45 lukenj pa +3. Bravo Kristjan za zadnjo rundo z rezultatom 71 (0).
In few weeks off playing tournaments, we worked on swing and this is the first tournament after big swing changes and some small mental changes. Win U14! All categories overall 5th place. First 9 holes of the tournament +6 next 45 holes +3. Good job for final round with score 71 (0).
26.-28.avgust 2016
Hungarian Junior Championship U16 WAGR
Zasedel je odlično 2.mesto. 73(+1), 76(+4), 72(0) En udarec je zaostal za prvim mestom.
Finished 2nd. 73(+1), 76(+4), 72(0) One shot behind winning score.
30.avg-1.sept 2016
International Boys Championship (U16) Trofeo Teodoro Soldati
Na tem turnirju so v mladosti igrali igralci kot sta Rory Mcilroy, Mateo Manassero,..torej najboljša evropska mladinska elita. Je ena najtežjih evropskih tekem U16. Kristjanov plan je bil, da bi se uvrstil med 100 ampak je samega sebe presenetil, saj je bil po dveh dneh z rezultatom +4 na 21 mestu. Po štirih odigranih krogih je končal na 30 mestu. Po dveh dneh je bil CUT do 40 igralcev od 140. Je prvi Slovenec v vsej zgodovini, ki je na tem turnirju naredil CUT, torej je igral v finalu.
On this tournament played players like Rory Mcilroy, Mateo Manassero,.. so best european junior elite. Its one of the toughest European Championships U16. Kristjan’s plan was to finish top 100 but he suprised himself with score +4 after two rounds and T21 place. After four rounds he finished T30. After two rounds was CUT of 40 players out of 140. He is first Slovenian ever who made the cut on this tournament.
9.-11. sept 2016
Slovenian Junior Masters Golf Trnovo (U24) WAGR
ZMAGOVALEC turnirja s skupnim rezultatom po treh rundah (-2). Prvič v karieri je po treh odigranih krogih enega turnirja končal z rezultatom pod parom! Nov hdcp 1.4
WINNER! After three rounds his score was under par (-2). First time ever he finished three rounds of one tournament, under par! New hdcp 1.4
20.-21. sept 2016
Evian Championship Juniors Cup U14
Prestižni turnir, kjer igrajo najboljši igralci sveta do 14 leta starosti. Kristjan je zopet blestel in podrl mejnik slovenskega golfa saj je z rezultatom 73(+1), 74(+1) zasedel odlično 7 mesto. Glede na igro bi se z boljšim puttanjem lahko uvrstil med 3 najboljše.
Best juniors of the world younger than 14 years play on this prestige tournament. Kristyan was great again and wrote the history of Slovenian golf. With scores 73(+1), 74(+2) he finished 7th. The way he played if putts would go in he could easely finished top 3.
24.-25. sept 2016
Slovenain National Junior Championship U12, U14
Zmagovalec z velikim naskokom in s tem ponovno MLADINSKI DRŽAVNI PRVAK do 14 let!
Winner by great margin and NATIONAL JUNIOR CHAMPION U14!
Novi hdcp 1.2 .. Evropska golf lestvica U14 – 7. mesto
New hdcp 1.2 .. European Golf Rankings U14 – 7th place
30.sept-2.oct 2016
Croatian International Junior Championship, Zagreb (U14, U18, U21) WAGR
Igrišče je fantastično, vendar je bilo v zelo slabem stanju in po mojem mnenju neregularno za tako tekmo. Kristjan prispeval svoj delež da je Slovenija kot ekipa osvojila Nations Cup.
In few weeks off playing tournaments, we worked on swing and this is the first tournament after big swing changes and some small mental changes. The golf course is fantastic but was in very bad condition and on my opinion not prepared and regular for the championship. Kristjan did his part that Slovenia won the Nations Cup.
7.-9. oct 2016
5.SloAm Tour, Mokrice (U14,U16,U18,U21+) WAGR
Zelo zahtevno igrišče ampak kljub temu je dobro odigral in med vsemi kategoriji skupno zasedel 2.mesto!
Seveda je v U14 z naskokom zmagal!
Very tricky golf course but he still played good and overall finished on 2nd place!
Of course in U14 category he won by great margin!
Sezona 2016 s turnirji je zaključena. Že v oktobru na polno začnemo s treningi tehnike za sezono 2017.
Tournament season 2016 is over. In October we start working hard on technique for 2017.
His HDCP (27th June ’16 – 10th October ’16): 2.4 – 2.6 –1.2 –1.4