Sezona 2016 je bilo trenersko iz moje strani in igralsko iz strani Kristjana Burkelce zelo uspešna. Sezono 2016 je zaključil s hcp 1.4, naslovom državnega prvaka in zmagovalec Slo Am Toura U14.
V zaključku sezone 2016 sem začel trenirati še dva tekmovalca, katera sta pred vrati za v državno reprezantanco. Trinajstletni Max Golob in sedaj 17 letna V.L. V zimskem obdobju se ni počivalo, ravno nasprotno, sploh kar se tiče Maxa in V. je bilo zelo aktivno, saj smo morali precej elementov v njuni igri in tehniki spremeniti ter na novo postaviti. Max je imel hcp 5.0, V.L. pa 3.9. S tem hcp sta vstopila tudi v sezono 2017.
Year 2016 was from my point of view as coach and Kristian Burkelca’s performances very successful. He finished the season with hcp 1.4, National Champion U14 and Slo Am Tour winner U14.
At the end of season 2016 I started coaching two more players which are at the front door to National team. !3 y.o. boy Max Golob and now 17 y.o. girl V.L. So winter time was quite active because Max’s and V’s game and swing was not where it needed to be. Now they are on the right track, they just need to play. Max’s hcp was 5 and V’s 3.9 and this is the hcp with which they go into the season 2017.

Kristjan Vojteh Burkelca, 14 let
2016 Državni Prvak U14
National Champion U14
2016 Slo Am Tour – Zmagovalec
Slo Am Tour Champion U14

Gara Giovanile Trudi U16, Italy 75 (+3)
12.marec 2017
Ca’Amata Citta’Di Castelfranco, Italy 71,75 (+4)
25.-26.marec 2017
Med vsemi konkurenti je zasedel 6.mesto.
Overall 6th place.
1.Slo AM Tour Livada WAGR 76,77,71 (+8)
31.3. – 2. april 2017
Med vsemi konkurenti je zasedel 9.mesto. U16 – 2. mesto.
Overall 9th place. U16 – 2nd place.
2.Slo AM Tour Smlednik WAGR 74,70,72 (0)
14.-16. april 2017
Med vsemi konkurenti je zasedel 2. mesto. U16 – 1. mesto.
Overall 2nd place. U16 – 1st place.
5.Olympic Hopes Trophy, Brno, Czech republic
20.-23.april 2017
Ekipa Slovenije fantje – 2. mesto.
Slovenia team boys U16 – 2nd place.
new hcp 0.9
WAGR 1497th place (2.5.2017)
WAGR rankings
3.Slo Am Tour, Ptuj WAGR 82,82,83 (+34)
5.-7. maj 2017
6.mesto U16.
6th place U16.
Serbia – Slovenia Match, member of Team Slovenia
9.-10. maj 2017
Slovenija je zmagala.
Win for Slovenia team.
Serbian International Amateur Championship WAGR 73,73,69 (+11)
11.-13. maj 2017
Med vsemi konkurenti 3.mesto.
Overall 3rd place.
XXXIX.Slovenian International Amateur Championship WAGR 76,81,75,74 (+18)
18.-20. maj 2017
Slovenian International Junior Championship U14,U18, U21 WAGR 72,74,73 (+6)
23.-25 junij 2017
5. mesto med vsemi konkurenti. Dobra stabilna igra, vendar ne zadosti dobra da bi se kvalificiral za Duke of York.
5th place overall. Good stable golf, but not good enough to qualify for Duke of York.
Serbian Junior Championship WAGR 67,71,74 (+6)
30.jun – 2.jul 2017
3. mesto. Zadnjih 9 lukenj turnirja je koncentracija povsem popustila.
Finished 3rd. Last 9 holes he just wasn’t there.
Slovenain national individual & team championship
18.-19 jul 2017
Bravo Kristjan, Veronika in Max!
My players I’m very proud of you! Thank you!
Golf Klub Trnovo team – Kristjan, Anže and Max are 2017 National Club Champions!
European Young Masters 2017, Oslo G.C. U16
27.-29.jul 2017
71,76,72 (+3) 18th place (new hcp 0.7)
European Boys team championship 2017, La Manga
11.-15.jul 2017
Golf opremo so na letališču dobili naknadno in ko so je dobli sta bila driver in 3 les polomljena.
At the airport, golf baggage came late and with broken driver and 3 wood! L
4.Slo Am Tour 2017, Golf Otočec
2.8.-4.8 2017
2nd place over all. 72,73,72 (+1) (new 0.2 hcp)
Hungarian Junior Open Championship U21 WAGR 70,80,73 (+7)
25.-27. avg 2017
3rd place over all. On the second day the focus just wasn’t there! In general I’m pleased, two rounds he played better than his hcp is!
Teodoro Soldati Trophy U16 WAGR
5.-7. sept 2017 .. 71,75, 74, 81 (+9)
3Biggest tournament of the year for Kristjan Burkelca .. (144 players, worst hcp 2, cut 44 players ) Very strong championship! After 1st round he was 2nd. After 3rd round he is on 8th place. .. 71,75, 74 (+1) After few small mistakes he realised he is too far with the score to win the championship so last 9 holes he didn’t put any more energy to play. Kristjan, just keep this winning mentally!next year you will be even stronger player! We will continue to train!!! And all the fans will continue to cheer for you!
Croatian Int Junior Championship 2017 (U16,U21) WAGR
29.sept-1.okt 2017
72, 77, 74 (+7)
U16 – 1st place
Overall categories (U16, U21) .. T1st place
5th SloAm tour 2017 U14,U16,U21 WAGR 68,69,75 (-1)
overall winner 68,69,75 (-1) and ..
U16 SloAm tour 2017 Champion & new hdcp +0.7
V.L., 17 let

1.Slo AM Tour Livada WAGR
31.3. – 2.april 2017 / 8.mesto (80,80,78)
2.Slo AM Tour Smlednik WAGR
14.-16. april 2017 / 4.mesto (81,79,80)
3.Slo Am Tour, Ptuj WAGR 83,77,80 (+27)
5.-7. maj 2017
Zasedla 4.mesto med vsemi konkurentkami.
Overall 4th place.
Serbia – Slovenia Match, member of Team Slovenia
9.-10. maj 2017
Slovenija je zmagala.
Win for Slovenia team.
Serbian International Amateur Championship WAGR 73,74,76 (+19)
11.-13. maj 2017
Med vsemi konkurentkami 3.mesto. Po 45 luknjah je bila vodilna, zadnjih 9 lukenj se ji ni izšlo za zmago.
Overall 3rd place. She was in the lead after 45 holes, last 9 holes just didn’t play the way she can.
XXXIX.Slovenian International Amateur Championship WAGR 84,86, MC (+26)
18.-20. maj 2017
25th Croatian Int Am Championship WAGR 82,79,82 (+27)
15.-18. junij 2017
Zasedla je 3.mesto.
Overall 3rd place.
Slovenian International Junior Championship U14, U18, U21 WAGR 83,77,78 (+25)
23.-25 junij 2017
7th place.
Max Golob, 13 let

1.Slo AM Tour Livada WAGR
31.3. – 2.april 2017 / U14 – 2.mesto.
2.Slo AM Tour Smlednik WAGR
14.-16. april 2017 / U14 – 2.mesto
Slo Am Tour lestvica 2017
Slo Am Tour ranking 2017
3.Slo Am Tour, Ptuj WAGR 83,85,87 (+42)
5.-7. maj 2017
1.mesto U14.
1st place U14.
Serbian International Amateur Championship WAGR 77,78,83 (+34)
11.-13. maj 2017
17th place.
XXXIX.Slovenian International Amateur Championship WAGR 80,92, MC (+28)
18.-20. maj 2017